So after all theory and conceptual possibilities, scientists are doing what they do best.......confirming it by experiment.
Only it takes 20 years and nearly 10 billion dollars to set-up the most advanced experiment ever conceived via Large Hadron Collider..
Least we expect is the confirmation of Higgs particle, any journey beyond quark begins from.
Beyond this will be revealation on Dark matter, extra dimensions, string theory (which one out of theoretical million postulates) etc etc. All this with 1.0×10-9 grams of H2 at near absolute zero temperature.
Will they generate black hole, will it consume us..though scientists are unanimous in opinions against it, it will still be better to die wiser....
Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009
Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009
The seers who saw it coming
Quite befitting to retract my harping on failure of so called wise men.....
Madman who was a Prophet.
Probably knowledge is meant to be obscure. Even in the current information-age, so much of noise around doesn't help.
To give due credit, most government in recent crisis adopted Keynesian policies(stimulus) and it worked indeed. This is an open debate though, whether recent recession would have been more severe in absence of such measures. Also where is the reconciliation between Adam Smith's invisible hand (policies of Laissez Faire) and heavily employed mechanism of: 'Lender of Last Resort'. Further fuelling the fire is the blame: are some too big to fail.
Still, public fury notwithstanding, probably the likes of Goldman Sachs would have done equally well without Government Funding.
FT Man of the year
Further a good read on how crisis was weathered: Here
Madman who was a Prophet.
Probably knowledge is meant to be obscure. Even in the current information-age, so much of noise around doesn't help.
To give due credit, most government in recent crisis adopted Keynesian policies(stimulus) and it worked indeed. This is an open debate though, whether recent recession would have been more severe in absence of such measures. Also where is the reconciliation between Adam Smith's invisible hand (policies of Laissez Faire) and heavily employed mechanism of: 'Lender of Last Resort'. Further fuelling the fire is the blame: are some too big to fail.
Still, public fury notwithstanding, probably the likes of Goldman Sachs would have done equally well without Government Funding.
FT Man of the year
Further a good read on how crisis was weathered: Here
Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009
Blue Ocean/Red Ocean
Blue Ocean has apparently caught Strategist's mind
Obviously being Whale is better than to be Piranha. Work on your strength peacefully, become big and royal, far away for bloody competitions.....
But soon there will be challengers to attack your territory and then fight you must. Still isn't life the best at the highest order of food chain, like: Steinadler.
Obviously being Whale is better than to be Piranha. Work on your strength peacefully, become big and royal, far away for bloody competitions.....
But soon there will be challengers to attack your territory and then fight you must. Still isn't life the best at the highest order of food chain, like: Steinadler.

Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009
Economics-Imperfect Science
Adam Smith's invisible hand to Keynesian play with Interest rates (liquidity preference). Friedman's dichotomy and still we had decade long Japan's deflation and then recent crisis.
Another root-cause identified for recent crisis..... Was it just one thing....
Why there is always so much of post-facto wisdom. Isn't true knowledge:
1) Can justify past
2) Could predict future(atleast a little)
Should I unlearn what they taught me in science.....Are all nobel-prizes in economics going in vain.......
Another root-cause identified for recent crisis..... Was it just one thing....
Why there is always so much of post-facto wisdom. Isn't true knowledge:
1) Can justify past
2) Could predict future(atleast a little)
Should I unlearn what they taught me in science.....Are all nobel-prizes in economics going in vain.......
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