4 Yug(Ages): Sat-yug, Treta-yug, Dwapar-yug, Kali-yug. It is said brahmins rule the Satyug, warriors rule at Treta, businessmen rule and Dwapar and lowly class rule at Kali. Digging deeper, isn't it true that earlier religions ruled the world, followed by warriors and then buisnessmen and now with democracy plebian are ruling the world.
Make science as the new religion and combination of quartet of Science/power/economy/democracy; make successful empires.
Isn't earlier UK and now US exactly exemplify this. USSR didn't last long being strong on science and power only. With Science, Power and booming economy China is poised to be next superpower, but it lacks democracy. India shows mixed signs on all four and it would be interesting to witness the turn of time for India as a nation......
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