Sonntag, 23. August 2009

Vereinigte Koennigreich

So there are 3 conutries in the Island: England, Wales and Scotland (with offshore British Isles)...together making Britain...add Northern Ireland and this makes United Kingdom. Also Ireland is separate nation too and people quite resent their northern territory occupied by UK. Scots and Welsh don't like themselves being called English. Welsh have their own language too, however Scots have been more freedom-minded. A case exemplified by recent Lockerbie bomber's release. Nevertheless quite famous English personalities are from these regions: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle of Sherlock Holmes and Sean Connery of James Bond fame were Scots. The Prince of Wales is only a customary designation given to eldest son of King of England, certainly the fact not pleasing to Welsh.
It took me 6 months of stay in London to understand all this. Hardly 3 weeks left and I have never gone beyond is long weekend and I should go either Lake District (of William Wordsworth fame) or Wales or Scotland or stay back here do pub scrawling.

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