Is the corruption, symbol of dynamism. Read this article.
India is stated to be one of the most corrupt countries, Germany is one of the least. On saturday session, on 45 minutes lunch break just went to a restaurant (one of the very few open), wanted to grab something quick, odered menu like cake and coffee, potato soup, sandwiches, chocolate shake and reminded the guy 10 times that the time for us is short. But time it took. Good 30 minutes after we placed order.
Now to reassess corruption et al in India. 1st, there will be no dearth of options of eateries on weekends and 2nd they will be quick to make 'Jugad' if requested. Another similar example is bargain, a true delight for a shopper, something unheard in this part of world.
Isn't one reason of corruption is originating from 'Jugad' that we enterprisingly make which is mis-understoood to be against the rule-book. In case of bargain, if the shop keeper sold me a book at Rs 100/- and to my another friend bough the same in Rs 80/-, I will feel cheated. But how many of us complain if Thanksgiving price is 80$ and the same if purchased in Christmas reaches 100$ at big superstores. Is it by the psychology that randomness is painful, organised is beauty.
Not an excuse, just I am not sure if such factors are assessed and if to improve our ranking, we might lose on some of our beauty with randomness.
Tarriffic job, everyone
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